Looking at Lumbar Support in a Bath?

Looking at Lumbar Support in a Bath?

Do you love having a nice hot bath but wonder: “How can I have a bath without pressure and pain on sensitive areas in my back?”

Experts often recommend a warm bath to soothe aches and pains. But for those with back sensitivity, sitting on a hard bath surface puts all your weight directly over your tailbone. Having a bath as recommended isn’t a comfortable option unless you have some lumbar support.

Lumbar support in a tube puts the back in a tilted position, offering real relief for anyone who has issues with the tailbone, etc. This may be through injury, pregnancy-related pain or tissue degeneration.

Lumbar support in a tub is also an excellent option for anyone wanting a more luxurious, comfortable bathing experience.

At Twoday’s Bathrooms, we have a large selection of beautiful, lumbar supported designs (like the Adora in our featured picture above), that are cost effective and can be installed in just one day.

For a free in-home consultation, please call us at 1-844-TWO-DAYS in the Niagara Region or email us directly on the link HERE.


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